Resilient Water Supply in the Paraguayan Indigenous Community Ajoicucat – Mistolar

This project aims to make an essential contribution to securing the drinking water supply of the Nivaĉle community of Ajoicucat – Mistolar, thereby improving the adaptive capacity of its population.

In the Paraguayan Chaco, there are recurring droughts caused by climate change and the massive deforestation of the dry forests in the Pilcomayo region. The water scarcity during drought periods puts the community of Mistolar under hydric stress. Addressing this requires the intervention of the responsible state institutions, which, however, have no response capacity to alleviate this problem. 


This is where this project comes in. First of all, the community's unmet demand for drinking water will be determined by comparing current water-related rights with the existing infrastructure and needs. The results of this analysis will be used for the participatory planning of an ecologically friendly expansion of the water infrastructure. The focus will be on building cisterns for rainwater harvesting.

The most vulnerable families and suitable locations for the 17 cisterns will be identified. The women (Nivaĉché) of the indigenous community, who are a vulnerable group, will be particularly involved in this process.

The project also contributes to improving the technical skills and capacities of this Nivaĉle community. The construction measures are intended to promote the training of young community members, especially in the construction and maintenance of cisterns.

Through the programmed activities, the project is expected to achieve significant improvements in the overall municipal water supply by increasing the drinking water reserve on a cistern basis by 143%, creating a municipal water strategy and building local capacities for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure for drinking water supply in the Nivaĉle municipality of Ajoicucat - Mistolar.

Contact person: Dr. Mariana Vidal Merino (

This project is implemented together with our local partner:


This project is funded by the Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken with financial support from the BMZ

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